Improve operational efficiency-Acting ED

Improve operational efficiency-Acting ED

Improve operational efficiency-Acting ED

Improve operational efficiency-Acting ED

By Livingstone Mashange T

he Acting Executive Director (ED) Mr Angelbert Mbengwa expressed satisfaction with the progress made by his team to attain ISO Certification. He, however encouraged the secretariat to put into practice skills acquired through ISO training.
He said the impact of the training should be reflected by improved operational efficiency.
“I am pleased with the progress that we have made so far in our effort to attain ISO Certification. However, let me emphasize that the aim is to offer quality service to both our stakeholders and clients. As we work towards the attainment of ISO Certification I encourage everyone to commit themselves to the provision of excellent service.
“Meanwhile, management has appointed the Deputy General Manager Public Relations Ms Tryfine Rachel Dzvukutu as the Quality Management Representative for the Health Service Board. She will coordinate the Project team members in the development and maintenance of the organisation’s risk register, oversee HSB risk and opportunity management process and ensuring that the Risk Based Thinking approach is entrenched within the organisation,” said Mr Mbengwa
She is also mandated to liaise with the Certifying Body on matters pertaining to certification and audits and represent management during certification, promoting awareness and understanding of stakeholder requirements and surveillance audits among other tasks.
Other members of the team include the Deputy General Manager Administration Ms Precious Chipangura and Mr Bernard Gotora who is a Human Resources Officer.
Ms Dzvukutu said: “The Health Service Board has been working tirelessly since 2019 in its endeavor to attain the ISO Certification. The attainment of this certification spells out the upholding of quality standards of work that helps organizations ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements’
She added that they have covered three quarters of the work and expect to complete the required processes by the end of 2022.
The scope of the quality management system of the HSB provides for the administration of the HSB and Health Service and the conditions of service for its members.
Some of its areas include the creation of grades in the Health Service and fix conditions of service for its members, Inquiring into and dealing with complaints made by members of the Health Service; Supervising, advising and monitoring the technical performance of hospital management boards and State-aided hospitals; handling appeals in relation to disciplinary powers exercised by hospital management boards over members of the Health Service employed in any Government hospital. The scope also addresses external and internal issues that have an impact on the ability of the organisation to meet its objectives, including the requirements of relevant interested parties relating to the quality management system.
“The Quality Management Systems shall be reviewed periodically for effectiveness, adequacy and continued suitability and for its ability to meet our strategic objectives,” said Ms Dzvukutu.
In its amandate of providing for the administration of the HSB and Health Service and setting the conditions of service for its members, shall be committed to meeting and exceeding customer requirements. It is also expected to be committed to meeting the requirements of ZW ISO 9001:2015 to satisfy its interested parties and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and to continually improve all our processes.